Throughout the younger years, English Language Arts is a subject that is used to teach our children to ask questions. From a young age, educators build critical inferencing skills because reading and writing are not mastered by developing literacy alone. Our students must also perfect their ability to ask questions and to build practical critical thinking skills. Writers and readers use English to communicate with the world and ask questions about it to discover new knowledge.

Our K-8 English program focuses on expanding fundamentals in reading comprehension, writing, grammar & usage, and speaking, as well as, critical thinking. Students will be two steps ahead of their classmates with our extra support in both their technical and creative abilities.

Our high school 9-12 program focuses on strengthening advanced rudiments in writing, reading, critical thinking, oral communication and research skills. We push students in the later years to go out of the box and discover their true potential.

Our Programs

English k-12

Presentation & Speaking Skills

ESL K-12 & Adult ESL

Writer’s Craft

Studies in Literature

Key Skill Development


Critical Thinking

Oral Communication


Reading Comprehension

Creative Writing

Need Help? Contact Us


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