In 2017, two educators named Monique and Sam who were united by their mutual passion for education, created Tutor4U. Their goal was to manifest their ardour for education and expertise which they acquired after spending a decade in the industry prior to their meeting to create a premium tutorial and academic consulting centre for the York Region and serve the region’s stakeholders.

Monique, a recognized tutor in Hong Kong, is a former tutorial centre director of Star League Education and has helped thousands of students from Hong Kong’s top IB private high schools obtain admissions into Ivy League institutions such as Harvard, Oxford, Brown, Yale, and much more. Her knowledge of the IB curriculum, the SSAT, SAT, and AP, as well as of IELTS and TOEFL, alongside her charisma and dedication has made her one of the best directors and teachers in the education industry.

Sam, an OCT-certified teacher and Ontario education expert has been working in the tutoring industry for nearly the last decade of his life. He has previously worked as a curriculum developer and branch manager of a renowned tutorial centre in the GTA. Using his knowledge and expertise in Ontario education, he has helped many high school students achieve admissions from Ontario’s top schools and programs such as the University of Waterloo’s AIM and Computer Science programs, York University’s Schulich School of Business, The University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, McMaster University’s Health Science program, The University of Western Ontario’s Ivey Business School, and much more.

Combining their experience, these two educators have worked tirelessly to develop a top-notch curriculum and education centre that provides the best Kindergarten to grade twelve tutoring as well as the most informed and trustworthy education consultancy service.

Our Process

Tutor4U welcomes students from all walks of life. New students are invited to attend a free, no-obligation assessment interview.

Step 1

The Assessment

We begin with a free assessment. This is to determine your child’s strengths and weaknesses in the given subject they are seeking tutoring for.
Step 2

The Conference

Once the independent study plan has been created, our administrative team will meet with you in-person or via a conference call to discuss the assessment results and the curriculum programs that we’ve developed for .
Step 3

Tutoring Begins

After a personal education plan has been established for your child, the tutoring sessions will begin. Teachers will work in accordance with the Personalized Education Plan to achieve the outlined goals.
Step 4

Progress Reports

Throughout the duration of your tutoring sessions, we will curate both weekly and monthly assessments outlining their short-term and long-term progress. These reports will also help make necessary adjustments to their education plans, so we can best supporting your child in achieving their academic goals.

What sets us apart

All About 'U'

Our main focus is your child, whatever your goals are for them we will help you achieve it. But most importantly, we’ll help you realize your child’s inner potential by developing a learning plan that truly taps into their learning style.

Developing Success

We guarantee that your child will develop the skills necessary to be successful both in and outside the classroom.

Trusted Tutors

At Tutor 4 U we don’t just hire teachers that are specialists in their academic fields, but we specifically look for teachers that have a deep passion for teaching.

24/7 Support

We’re here to help, whenever you have a question. And when we say whenever, we really mean it. Whether it’s through the site chat, social media, or the phone, we’re never too far to reach, no matter the circumstance.


Our main focus is your child, whatever your goals are for them we will help you achieve it. But most importantly, we’ll help you realize your child’s inner potential by developing a learning plan that truly taps into their learning style.


Our main focus is your child, whatever your goals are for them we will help you achieve it. But most importantly, we’ll help you realize your child’s inner potential by developing a learning plan that truly taps into their learning style.

Our Team


Founder and Director

Monique Attrux founded Tutor4U in 2018, envisioning a learning space where students’ curiosity for learning can be fostered and where their academic performance can reach new heights.


English Teacher

Sam is an OCT certified tutor who graduated from York University’s Bachelor of Education program, Intermediate/Senior division. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature.


French Teacher

Having studied in a French immersion program since elementary school, Rearchenie has been immersed in the language for nearly all of her life. She attended York University and finished with a degree in French Studies.


Biology & Chemistry Teacher

Mark graduated from the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Science and also holds a Masters of Science. His area of expertise is not only high school, middle, or elementary school sciences but also the university studies.


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